Alas, I was already awake, so I jumped out of bed, ran to the phone to call Ms. Cooper, had my cup of coffee, listened to the news a little, then got on my treadmill to run for my usual 30 minutes. After that, I did my yoga and meditated. Now fully awake and charged, I got on my boots, gloves, ear warmers, and coat, grabbed my shovel and proceeded to shovel my steps and sidewalk. Feeling very energetic, I continued down the block to my elderly neighbors' houses and shoveled their walks and steps as well. (Gee, aren't I such a nice person.) Then I came back in, drank a nice cup of herbal tea, and watched TV. Yes, you read that right- I watched TV. I was going to do my favorite thing and read, but my cold got the better of me, so I "vegged out" and curled up with a blanket and some mindless television. (I like HGTV.)
So, how did YOU spend your day?