WOW! I can't believe I haven't posted since March! In that time, we made 2 fantastic podcasts... make sure you see them on iTunes or
Rowen's page on the School District's site.
So anyhow, it's summer, and thank goodness for
ASHLEY writing to meeee : ) We've been in touch on and off via email. I would love to hear from you all!
I've been hanging out most of the summer, but I did manage to visit my daughter in Chicago. It was super to see her. She planned our entire visit- where to go, what to see, how to get there, and what to eat! (YUM) While we were in Chicago, my husband's sister and her family volunteered to take care of Jizo. Here's a fun little video I made of Jizo's vacation. (Yes, you know me! I'm a true techie through and through!)
Let me know what you think and how you're doing! xxoo yours truly.