Wednesday, April 28, 2010

FOR ALIZEA (Look! I remembered!)

So last Friday, a very excited Alizea came up to me before the bell rang to start the school day. Do you know what she asked me? She asked me if I have ever been so excited about a trip that I couldn't get to sleep! The answer is YES!!! Once I was going to visit my sister in San Francisco and I was taking my daughter to visit her for the very first time. Lara was only 5 months old. I was excited and nervous about the trip. I hardly slept! Boy was I tired the next day.

So have YOU ever been so excited about a trip that you couldn't get to sleep? If so, tell me about it!


rashanda said...

You're nice.

Ms. Becker said...

Thanks for saying that I'm nice, Rashanda. So, have YOU ever been excited about a trip?

cesaly said...

You are so so so nice. xoxoxoxoxoxxo.

Ms. Becker said...

Why thank you, Cesaly! XXOO back at you!

alizea said...

Hi mis.b how have u been .One time my class had a trip on April 23, 2010 it was fun we went toTemple University Ambler Campus Earth Fest.My mom was so impress that i was up."At 4am "Bye mis.b

Tanika said...

Ms.Becker earthday was the first time my dad didn't go on a trip with me.An i was a little sad. But i got over it .

Ms. Becker said...

Hey Tanika- Wow. Lucky you to have your dad come on all of those trips. I never got my parents to come on any. Did you have a great time?

Ms. Becker said...

Alizea, so why were you so excited about the trip?

ty said...

hey Ms.b did you know that w r g on a trip

Ms. Becker said...

Yes! I wanted to come with you!

jabrella said...

hi mrs becker what are you doing

jabrella said...

you are my xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo that mean i love you

jabrella said...

when are you going too git my letter

jabrella said...

come on what are you doing

jabrella said...

im waiting

Ms. Becker said...

Jabrella, you are TOOOOOOO funny! I was busy busy busy teaching! So what are you going to tell me about what I wrote about trips?

cesaly said...


Ms. Becker said...

Thanks, Cesaly! Drop by to say hi so I can see your face!

kiera said...

hi mis.b how have you been. do you now were he come from.

Ms. Becker said...

Kiera- do you mean the boy in the picture? No, I don't. I found his picture on the internet. I thought he went well with my post, because he certainly looks very excited! What do you think?

tytiana R said...

wats wrong with him

brianna said...

mrs becker what is that boy promblem

Ms. Becker said...

I think he's VERY excited! Have you ever been that excited?

sanna said...

hi ms.becker i think that your daughter looks alot like you if im rong she mite look like her dad and i didnt even know that youm had a daughter that was five mounhs.

Ms. Becker said...

Hi Sanna,
Thanks, but people usually think my daughter looks like her grandmom, and not me. She's not five months, if that's what you were saying. She's actually 22! Yikes!

BRIANNA said...


Ms. Becker said...

Brianna- I think I have been that excited! AND, I remember when my daughter was little, she used to make that face when SHE got excited!