Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Well... We did it! Check out our Gingerbread Houses! The whole 2nd floor smelled like sugar! I have to say that I am so very proud of my class! They worked so nicely together and shared with students who forgot to bring in ingredients. Everyone did a wonderful job of creating their masterpiece. To top it off, the class did a spectacular clean-up job! (You all know the word that describes me when it comes to my room... right Daysha?...persnickety!) Oh. And a special thank you to my mom, Mrs. Becker, for the help!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let's Play MATH games!

Hey! Let's check out the Everyday Math Games online! Just click on the title of my post, and away you go! If you're not one of my math students, send me a comment, and I'll be happy to add you... Did you know that you can access this from home? Did you know that it has a TALKING copy of your SRB??? How totally cool is that?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Are ya stressed yet?

Thanks, King, for pointing out I'm a little behind on my posts. Life has been VERY busy! What with entering report card marks, getting ready for Thanksgiving, and starting to shop for the holidays! Not to mention all of our tests lately- Everyday Math tests, WRAPs, Gates, and of course... the BENCHMARKS! Soooo..... I'm just feeling a little frenzied! How about you? Are you gearing up for the season and what's to come, or are you chilled and mellow? 

Friday, November 14, 2008

Meet My Dog, Purdy.

Well, as many of you know, my dog died last weekend. I'm still having a hard time- am very sad. She was like a family member to me. (That's her picture on the left. Isn't she soooo cute?) Anyhow, we had her for 15 years, and she used to play with my daughter, Lara, like a sister. Her name was Purdy, after 101 Dalmatians. (Lara named her that.) Purdy was quite a character! She believed in taking care of the environment by "recycling" paper goods. She would eat toilet paper from the roll, tissues, and was even bold enough to push the dining room chairs out and climb on the table to eat the napkins! 

I'll be happy to share more stories about her antics. But first, I want YOU to share something with me! Do you have a pet? Do you wish you did? Tell me....

Monday, November 10, 2008

WAY TO GO 214!

HEY! CHECK OUT OUR LATEST PODCAST! Click on the link below, listen and watch our podcast, then come back and tell us what you think! I think they're GGGGRRRREAT! : )

Room 214's Podcasts

Friday, October 17, 2008


King wanted to know what I thought of the volley ball game between the students and the 4th grade teachers. I thought it was amazing! Who knew that those teachers could move like that? Poor Ms. Cooper got knocked over at the end by her cheering fans! Good thing no one got hurt!
               So what did YOU think???

Friday, October 10, 2008


HERE'S A GREAT BIG SHOUT OUT TO MY STUDENTS FROM YEARS PAST! I love that the 6th graders are blogging with me- but you guys have GOT to remember to put your NAME instead of clicking on anonymous. Looks like you keep forgetting to choose "NAME/URL" and put your FIRST NAME in, then click publish.

OK????? I won't be retyping your posts anymore after this- so if I get anymore "Anonymous" comments, I'm going to have to delete them... : (


Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's Fall!

So, Fall is here! It's also known as Autumn. With it often comes magnificent color changes on the trees, brisk air, and warmer clothes! I love to see the trees change- especially when the leaves turn gold, orange, and red. What to you like about Autumn?

Monday, September 29, 2008


Alrighty then, chickadees. What shall we comment on this week? Why don't you throw some ideas my way. What's on your mind? 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well, school's into its 3rd week, and we're already busy with our curriculum and technology! I hope that you guys respond to my posts more this year and that we have the best year yet! What do you hope for? I know that King will answer me- he already commented about our Hoops&Yoyo fame! So... let me know your thoughts, kiddos!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


HELLO OUT THERE! Anybody around? I'm dying to have some of you comment about your summer! Let me know what's happening! I know it's only been a few days, but let's see if we can keep our lines of communication open! : )

Monday, June 9, 2008


Hey out there! If you would like to comment on our blog, click on  "Comments" underneath the Post you want to respond to. You'll see a box on the right after you do that. Type your comments in the box. Make sure your comments relate to my post. After you do that, you'll see choices underneath that box. You must type in the goofy looking letters in the box underneath. Then you must choose an "identity." Click on "Name/URL". Enter your FIRST NAME ONLY next to "Name." Then click PUBLISH.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Hey! Almost a WHOLE MONTH has gone by since I posted. I guess no one responded to my other posts, so I kinda got caught up in the end of the school year stuff. AND our class has been very active making podcasts. Did you know we have 4 on iTunes now? We're about to put up our very last one for the year- it will be the final episode in our History Hunters Trips.

BUT...JASMIN from 207 asked me to post something about PLAYDAY. I  had a blast, although I have to admit I'm VERY tired right now. Besides being outside in the fun and sun all day, I think my very favorite part was seeing how nicely everybody got along and watching everyone dancing the line dances together. What did you like? Any thoughts about the end of the year?

Monday, May 5, 2008


GUESS WHAT!!! WAAAAY COOL! Hoops&Yoyo put us on their website! Check us out and come back and tell us what you think! (Click on these words: Meet the Creators

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hello? Anybody there?

Hoops and Yoyo just LOVED our movie and healthy snacks! In fact, they want to give us a call to say hello! What would you like to say to them when they call us? How will we work this out? Take turns? What are your ideas?

Friday, April 25, 2008


What does Earth Day mean to you? What did you learn at Earth Fest on Friday? How can we celebrate the Earth and save our environment? You can click on the title to go to an article about Earth Day. Be sure to come back to our blog to tell me what's on your mind about our Earth... 

Thursday, April 10, 2008


OK guys! I see that my last post didn't spark any thoughts. So are you glad the tests are over???? I sure am! Guess what!?! Our podcast in now online! Here's a link you can follow to see and hear it. Be sure to come back to my blog to tell me what you think!
Room 214's Podcast

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stay Cool and Calm!

It's that time of year! Time to take our PSSA's. Yes, it's an important test, but don't let yourself get stressed out. Remember to keep your cool about it! I like to run, do yoga, and meditate every day to try to keep my calm. What do you do? What should our students do if they get frustrated?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

And what did YOU do over spring break?

I remember when I was a kid in school we always had to write about what we did over our summer vacation... or our Christmas vacation... or our SPRING vacation... SOOOOO.... what DID you do over you Spring vacation????

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Report Cards! Yippee or EEEK?

Report cards are this week! What do you think about them? How do you think you did? Are you excited or worried? What did you do well in? What do you need to do better in? Let's talk about it...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The ZOO!

We're going to the zoo...zoo...zoo...You can come too...too...too...When I go to the zoo, I just LOVE to visit the orangutans. They are so cute and funny. I love the way they play. They remind me of little children having so much fun. When we go to the zoo on Tuesday, what do you want to see? 

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday! Wow!

So today our school had our 3 R's Party for our students who are consistently
          • Respectful
          • Responsible
          • Resourceful
Did you make it to the party? If so, how was it? If not, what can you do NEXT time to make sure you do?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's been a LONG short week!

I don't know about you guys, but this has been one of the LONGEST short weeks I've ever had! What made it feel so long? I think it's always hard to come back from an extra day off. Somehow our minds just want to stay home! Especially when it's so brrrrr.....cold out! But we worked extra, extra hard on writing persuasive letters, studying about angles, coordinates, and sequencing, and practicing getting "4's" on open-ended math questions! So tell me, what was the best and the worst of your week? 

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Shout-Out to YOU!

Guess what? There's a shout out for our class on Hoops & Yoyo's BLOG!!!! You need to go to their blog and look under Tuesday, February 12- shouty-shouty shout-outs! (or better yet, click here: Hoops & Yoyo Blog.)Find our names under the bullets! What do you think about that? Pretty cool, huh! Is there anyone YOU would like to give a shout out to? If so, who? And what would you like to tell them?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We've got the PSSA Spirit!

Room 214 made a cheer and dance! Here's the chant we made up:

I don't know but I've been told
Rowen School will get that gold!
We're working hard to be advanced!
PSSA's- you've got no chance!

Can you think of a cheer to get our spirit going?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What did YOU do today?

Today we had fun working on the computer. We learned about podcasts, saw pictures of our class trips, and began writing a script for our first podcast. We also visited our favorite website- Hoops and Yoyo- and saw the new manner lesson they had up. Let's hear what the class has to say about the experience...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Having a Blast!

I'm just having the best of times with my computer class. I never really had a chance to take classes for pure pleasure before. We're doing all sorts of things- many of which I don't quite have a complete handle on yet. It's strange. I've always been a natural techie, but now I find that I'm moving much more slowly, taking more time to process things when computers are doing the opposite and processing faster and faster! I can't wait to teach my class all of these cool things. What do YOU think guys? Excited?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Hoops and Yoyo

Have you had the pleasure of visiting Hoops and Yoyo's website? It's definitely worth the trip. One of my favorite links at their site is past homepages. Some of them are so funny, I laugh so hard I cry! Check it out. Let me know what YOUR favorite thing is that you found.