Well, as many of you know, my dog died last weekend. I'm still having a hard time- am very sad. She was like a family member to me. (That's her picture on the left. Isn't she soooo cute?) Anyhow, we had her for 15 years, and she used to play with my daughter, Lara, like a sister. Her name was Purdy, after 101 Dalmatians. (Lara named her that.) Purdy was quite a character! She believed in taking care of the environment by "recycling" paper goods. She would eat toilet paper from the roll, tissues, and was even bold enough to push the dining room chairs out and climb on the table to eat the napkins!
I'll be happy to share more stories about her antics. But first, I want YOU to share something with me! Do you have a pet? Do you wish you did? Tell me....
So, That's what Purdy looked like! She's really cute! All this time i've been wondering what she looked like and now I know!
As you probably know, I had a dog and a cat. What you don't know is that I don't have a cat and a dog anymore. I had to send Zeda (Zay-dah), my dog, to an adoption home. I cried when we sent her. I still have Karmella, though.
Wow, King. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Why did you have to give her up? I can understand how you feel.
Thanks for the comment about Purdy. She is cute, isn't she! : )
that's so sad.I had a cat but my dog kill it that's soooooooooo sad.But even thow that i never mat your dog i love him.
msbecker i had a cat it died her name was toy it dided because it got hit by a car i fell the same way as you by weboth havesamefillingcomar
I know how you feel Mrs.Becker my cat wolf ran away a long time ago . But don,t feel sad feel happy because I will feel sad. So don,t feel sad .
My mom's dad never liked pets because if you keep them to long, you become attached to them. Then they die and leave you feeling sad. Then, again, my mom had a lot of pets in her life. Sparky, a dog, Simba, a cat, Tiger, A hermit crab, Karmella, my cat, Zeda, my dog, and a bunch of plankton.
Wow, guys. Thank you Comar, Daysha, Ceay, and King for your support! You make me feel better knowing that you care and share my feelings. I'm very sorry that you lost pets, too.
You have not posted sense LAST MONTH! Have you forgoten about the wonderful world(s) of blogging?
OK OK, King!!! Glad you're keeping me on my toes! : )
i miss your dog even thought i didn't meet her.
Thanks, Daysha.
Thanks, George. Maybe I should come by and play with Cody. I know he'd give me lots of cuddles like my Purdy used to. Cody's such a cute dog, too!
hey ms.becker i miss your dog very much i hop you feel butter........
hey ms.becker wat you doing
im very sorrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy about your dog my dog got tookin ayway by the aspca.
Mrs.Becker I am sorry your dog died he look cute if my dog srappy die I would be depressed.If cat die I would try to find them. But if no one killed him I would be depressed.
Thanks, Razzaq and Emili. Actually, I was very very sad after Purdy died. Sometimes I still get sad. It's so very quiet in the house without her.
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