Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stay Cool and Calm!

It's that time of year! Time to take our PSSA's. Yes, it's an important test, but don't let yourself get stressed out. Remember to keep your cool about it! I like to run, do yoga, and meditate every day to try to keep my calm. What do you do? What should our students do if they get frustrated?


Anonymous said...

The math test was good for me because you got to use the scratch paper. The 4th and 5th got to use a calculator, too. We did our best in the reading. Ms.Becker said we did good and we are done! When I got upset because the test was hard, I counted back from 10. I took deep breaths and just tried to do my best.

Anonymous said...

When I got stressed out on the test, I took a walk in the hall. Other students might think about something, or go and get a drink of water.