So the past few weeks, my fourth and fifth grade Extended Day students have been comparing various folk tales. We read
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters and
The Rough-Face Girl. The fifth graders also read the traditional story
Cinderella. We created "T" Charts and what the 5th graders called "Double T" Charts to take notes as we read. Both groups did a great job of analyzing the information. They learned that if you write information about one character you must include similar information about the other character. You should check out the wall outside of my room to see their great work!

While I like all three stories, one is my favorite. I'm not going to tell you which one. You can try to guess which one I like best- but you must tell me WHY you think that. I was also wondering which story YOU liked best and why.
Mrs. Becker thanks for talking about me on your blog you are the best. I wish you had a Homeroom and I would be in your class every day. Even through I have my good days and bad days. Also, today was a bad day for me
Thanks, Brianna. What a nice comment. I can't imagine you with bad days. You are ALWAYS wonderful for me! Keep writing me!
Ms. Becker, I love the books. They're wonderful. My favorite is The Rough Face Girl. It's a nice book. Also, I like Mufaro's Beautiful daughters. Bye. See you tomorrow!
I'm glad you liked the books, Brittany. They have always been two of my favorites. I loved to read them with my daughter when she was young : )
Dear Ms.Becker,
Thank you for telling us about the Rough Face Girl and Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters. The story that I like the most is The Rough Face Girl because at the end the girl got married to the Invisible Being. And her sisters did not get to see the Invisible Being and they did not marry the Invisible Being.
Tytiana, I have to admit, I like the Rough-Face Girl the best, too. I especially loved the pictures and how, even though she was scarred on the outside, her inner beauty shown through.
hey it's me. i loveeee ur blogspot. it's cool. see u tommorw at the b2 group. love u bye.
cool beans, tytiana! c u tomorrow 2! ur a great kid!
hi ms.becker, it's Lashanna. it was fun making those double T charts and listening to all of the stories and i remember your favorite was Rough Face Girl because you used to read it to Lara. i liked it too! p.s. you still look like Ellen
Yo Lashanna... do you ever take a breath? ithinkyouwritelikeyoutalk. haha! AND, I read BOTH stories to Lara when she was little. (But I do like RFG better...)
ELLEN??? Hmm... too bad I don't have her money! You're a hoot!
i like the stories you read to me though mufaro's story made me cry.
p.s.your daughter is so funny and nice hair cut
Nashira- WOW! What about Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters made you cry? I get choked up when I read both stories, so I'd be interested in hearing why you had your reaction.
Oh, and what's with all the empty space you left in your post??? Shouldn't you have filled it in with wonderful comments, insights, creative expressions? And are your referring to my daughter's haircut or mine?
ps. I think you're amazing : )
hey this is breyanah you like those storys they look realy good to read
Hey Breyanah! I love those stories. You should read them and tell me if you do, too!
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