Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What did you learn?

So you're back from your trip through Historic Philadelphia. Blake said his group didn't get to go to the mint, which is a shame since that is the topic of his research project. Did you get to go to all of the places? What did you learn? What did you like best? Tell me!!!! : )


alizea said...

Mis.b i got to go to the mint.We seen a big coin.Also a lot of money.I had a lot of fun.BYE MIS.B LOVE YA

Ms. Becker said...

Alizea, That sounds great! So were you as excited about this trip as you were about the Earth Day trip?

jabrella said...

hi what are you doing

Ms. Becker said...

Hey Jabrella,
I love that you write to me, but I'm not going to put your comments up anymore unless you talk about my post.

shanyia said...

i learned that Besty Ross paid for a seat at christ church she could not see in

Tanika said...

mrs.b I learned so much stuff that im getting ready to tanika

Ms. Becker said...

Great posts, Shanyia and Tanika!

cesaly said...

I lerned about ben franklin did a lot of stuff like he did his own glases and did a piano too.

Ms. Becker said...

COOL, Cesaly!

BRIANNA said...


Ms. Becker said...

That's cool that you liked that. My sister came in from San Francisco to visit in early July, and that's the ONE place she especially wanted to see! : )

Are you having a nice summer?

Nashira said...

hey ms.becker how u doin.i have alot of great things going on at wagner.first of all im in the student government,i got straight A's on my report card,my science teacher picked me (out of the whole class)to be in the sciencs fair,i've been getting A's on all the tests i took so far and also me and another girl(out of the whole 6th grade)won a prize dinner to down town because of our report cards,we're the only 2 out of everyone who got straight A's.I'm so excited and guess what it's only November.I have a big future infront of me don't I.

Ms. Becker said...

Hey Nashira!!!! What are you doing posting all the way back on my MAY post???? Did you refresh your browser???? haha....

It's so great to hear from you! I miss you so much! Glad to hear you're doing SWELL at your new school. I wouldn't expect anything less from you! So where are you going to dinner??? Am I coming, too?

Keep in touch and email me-- ask your sister to get my email address so you can write me directly.
xxoo 4 ever.
Ms. Becker

Aaron said...

HI Ms Becker. It is Aaron. Can you write back please?

Ms. Becker said...

Hi back, Aaron! What made you decide to write to me all the way back on my May post? What did you want me to write to you about? Did you read this post- the one you're supposed to be responding to?