WOW! Where did the time go? I can't believe I haven't posted anything since the end of March! What have we been doing? Why lots of learning, of course!
Great mathematicians and incredible readers are getting ready to end their school year with me. My Peaceful Positive Meditation Lunch Bunch is still faithfully coming every Monday and Wednesday at lunch. My 5th graders are busy getting ready for their commencement exercises. (I'm going to be so sad to see them go! I'm so very, very proud of all the progress they've made.) My "Friday Friends" had their last session today. We shared our podcasts with our parents and celebrated a job well done. (You should definitely check them out on iTunes or at the School District's site. They did a fabulous job of giving pointers on Internet Safety.)
Sooooo... I don't think I'm ready for the year to be over yet! How about you? Are you ready?
Hi! This is Room 207. Some of us want school to end and some of us don't.
Both of the podcasts were great! Hope WE can do some next year.
Thanks, 207! You guys ROCK!
I love meditation its so fun but I forgot to ask my teacher if I could get a pass so I did not come but sometimes I forget that meditation is going on
I LOVE that you LOVE meditation! If you forget to get a pass, just come anyway! YOU are always welcome to come!
Happy Birthday Mrs. Becker I know your Birthday is tommorw so have fun ....... tommorw
Thank you Jahnya! I'll see you there! Let's keep it a secret, though, OK? ; )
I forgot about meditation again :( aww I hope I remember . It makes me feel peaceful :) also am i the only one on your blog?
Not to worry, Jahnya! There was no meditation today because of the heat and early dismissal. I will try to remind you on Monday. Also, I love that you like meditation and that it makes you feel peaceful! That's COOL! Exactly what it's suppose to do.
Drop in to see me Friday (I'll be out of the building tomorrow) and I'll try to hook you up with some links for home.
I love that you're writing to me. I don't think anyone else remembers right now.
ok Ms. Becker so you want me to see you this friday if you do ill will be their but i might forget so can you come to my class and get me
OK,Jahnya, I'll come and get you on Friday. If I forget, remind me... oops! Wait! I'm supposed to remind you!
See you tomorrow! : )
It was play day today so I did not come but you did not get me .When you played basketball with mrs. Hensly it was funny :) How abot you come get me on Monday if your not busy .... so ill see you Monday I guess :)
I had forgotten it would be Field Day on Friday... Mrs. Hensley CHEATED! but I won anyway : )
I will try my hardest to remember to get you on Monday. If I forget, whenever I remember I'll get you--OR whenever YOU remember, ask Ms. Cooper to let you come down.
Have a great weekend. While your home, think of a post to put up next- for kids to write about...
ok Ms. Becker i might be on your blog everyday but if you dont want to be on it everyday just say so ill be on it every once in a while :) ill see you Monday I guess again
Thank you Ms.Becker but I wont be at rowen next year because I am going to a school called Conwell Middle School the kids their are really smart but I have two little sisters that will still be going to Rowen Jalessa will be in first grade Janell will be in third grade you know their last name I hope see you Monday
Hi, this is Room 303A in Feltonville Intermediate School. Mrs. Becker came to our school last week & helped our teacher, Mrs. Green set up a Wii B Magic Board in our classroom. We like it soooo much, we can't believe our eyes & our fingers. Our school is big, we have a library across the street & we only have 3rd, 4th & 5th grades here.
We have played vocabulary games, plotted coordinate points on a grid, & Word Structure on it. We have helped Mrs. Green figure out how to use the tools & the spotlight.
Thank you for helping us, we like it so much. Mrs. Becker, thank you for teaching the students the math lesson, while the teachers were learning from you. You are a very nice, unique and peaceful person and teacher. We look forward to you sharing more on your blog, so we can see what you do with your students. Can you come visit again with your students?
303A in Feltonville Intermediate
Shyanne, Jiovanny,Eduardo, Ayanna, Damian,Jailene, Ryan,Semaj, Amanthis, Shantal, Paige, Alexis, Anoud, Marioliz, Angel, Grace, Jhonny, Sharnice, Nayeli and Mrs. Green
Thank you 303A. I had a BLAST visiting with you. You're an amazing group of students! I loved how nicely you listened and cheered your classmates on. I especially loved how you let me work with you and how you followed my directions- and you didn't even know me!
You should name your new board. If you look at my older posts, my kids brainstormed names for our interactive board and then I put up a poll on my blog for people to vote. If you come up with names and send them to me, I can post it as a poll for you...
I look forward to hearing from you again!
Ms. Becker
We watched your Podcast and it was AWESOME!!!! We learned how to be safe on Facebook. Thank you for sharing it with us! We took the pledge & promise to be safe.
Room 303A in Feltonville Intermediate
Thank you, 303A! Kariana is here with me reading your post. She is one of the creators of the podcast. We had a lot of fun making it. If you get a chance, check out some of our other podcasts. You can see them on iTunes- or on the SD's site (although the pictures will be really small...)
Also, if you get a chance, visit our class "Wiki" to see some of our movies. (Look on the side bar for "Pages from Our Past".
Look forward to hearing from you again!
Greetings from Overbrook Elementary.
We are listening to your podcasts on Internet Safety. Wow - what a geat job you did. After the students listen, they are posting what they learn on their blogs. Here is what a third grader wrote
"There are many rules about Internet safety kids must know. Never give your real name or address. You must be thirteen years or older to have a Facebook account. You should never give information about yourself or your family. These things are very important about internet safety. These are some of the tips that I learned from the Rowen Elementary Internet safety podcast."
Keep up the good work
Ms Sorrentino, Computer teacher
Dear Overbrook Elementary,
We are VERY excited that you enjoyed our podcasts. We learned a lot when we wrote them because we had to do all of the research.
Is it OK if we share your blog with the students here at Rowen? We would like to write to you.
Your New Friends
We made a last day of school (Overbrook) podcast and included a shout out to the Rowan Reporters.
One third grade blog is
Have a great summer. Are you going to ISTE?
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