Friday, September 30, 2011

WAKE UP! Time to get to work!

Time to get up and get going! Lots to do this year!
Hello to my chickadoodles! There's so much to ask you. How is your new school year going? Do you like your classes? If you're at a new school, do you like it? What's happening in your world?

I can't believe how quickly time is going by. The month of September whizzed by! PHEW! It FLEW! I've been busy preparing lessons and activities and am just now clearing my head to answer questions many of you had- like when will there be math help and meditation. I hung up a sign up sheet for math help on my board in my room. Drop in and sign up for a Tuesday or Thursday if you need help. The time will be 12:45 (last lunch). Please be sure not to interrupt my classes if there are students in my room. (Just come in quietly and sign the calendar on your own.) Also, are you interested in joining us for meditation? I'm thinking I may try to have a group one day a week at last lunch to start. Which day do you think would be best- Mondays to start the week or Wednesdays in the middle of the week? Let me know.


kendera said...

hi ms. becker ur the best ever luv u so much <3 :)

Ms. Becker said...

Back at you, Kendera! It's so good to see you commenting on my blog again, too! You're doing an amazing job this year. I'm so proud of you in every way- your work, your kindness to others... the list of how great you are goes on and on!

Jahnya said...

hey ms.becker this school year is awsome hope your having a good one to

Ms. Becker said...

Glad your year is super. Tell me why! Mine is good but very, very busy.

Anonymous said...

ms.becker your so cool;)

Ms. Becker said...

Why, thank you, Anonymous! I don't usually allow anonymous comments, but since it was so wonderfully flattering, I figured I'd make an exception! ; )