Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wilson Rocks!

Wilson is a special reading program and it helps us to read better. We tap out the sounds in the words. That's called decoding and encoding. Our group has been working on this for over a year. When we first started using Wilson, we didn't know how to sound the words out, but now we can sound out multi-syllabic words. Did you know that every syllable in the English language has to have a vowel? That's why we look for the vowels first. Then we look to see if there are consonants or digraphs or blends in between the vowels. That helps us to find the syllables. Here are some of the rules we learned:

  • If the word only has one consonant between the vowels, close in the first syllable.
  • Divide between two consonants.
  • Keep digraphs together.
  • Watch for digraphs, blends, and welded sounds; divide between them.
If you don't understand, ask us! We are: Neique, Tavon, Leslie, Taz, and Terry.


The Rewards Readers said...

Thank you for sharing that! Now we see some ways to sound out words and syllables. You make a good group!

Your friends- The 10:00 Group.

Jamal said...

Hey guys im here to tell you reward reading is going great for me.Im really learning lots of things about it i was not very good at reading now I am.

Your friend Jamal.

Ms. Becker said...

Thanks, Rewards Readers and Jamal! I'm really glad to hear reading is going better for you! Keep writing back.

SAREENA AND NASHIRAand shasha said...

hi ms.becker me and my sister started a bookclub and my cat sed hi by.

frome:shasha,sareena,and nashira

jakwana said...

hi this is jakwana saying i am really
having a good day and i am really getting good with breaking it down .Thank you for everything Ms.Becker.

Ms. Becker said...

Thank you Jakwana! And yes, you ARE really getting good at breaking it apart. You're becoming quite a reader and decoder : )