We had yesterday off because of a huge snowstorm over the weekend. This is a picture looking across the back yards of my house during the storm on Saturday. We got 28.5 inches. Did any of you go out and shovel, sled, have a snow ball fight or make snow forts? Can you believe that we're supposed to have another storm tonight? What did you do during the snow day? What will you do tomorrow if we have another day off? All I seem to be doing is EATING! Yikes!
Dear Ms.Becker,
This is Taliyah. I'm writing to you to let u know that all of the students in our class really care about you. We appreciate everything you do for us.
Taliyah, what a nice comment! You made me feel very special. I love having you in my room. We've known each other a long time, and now we finally get to work with each other : )
Mrs. Becker how are you I am in computer lab
Well hi there, Brianna! So what did you think about my post? What were you doing in the lab besides writing to me?
Hello, Ms. Becker. I am on your blog. Where were you at when you saw the snow? I was at home.
Thanks ms.becker I was in the lab in computer class
Hi, Brian! Glad you wrote! I was at home, too when it snowed.
mis.b your funny.i was out playing with my dog .what were you doing?
ALIZEA, I think I ATE a WHOLE LOT of food! I remember having a hard time fitting into my clothes after the snow storm! Yikes!
I did go out and shovel the sidewalks and driveways of the older people on my block. That really felt good-- being so helpful. AND, I got to burn some calories! (haha)
that snow was beautiful. I did make snow forts and have a snowball fight with my mom.It was a lot of fun.
Hey Kashiyah, sure could use a little snow today to cool off!! : )
you must cude not move all week that snow is so high 100high but did you play in the snow or made a snow women do you get it snow women and dad of snow man a snow women
Arent' you clever, Kendera! I shoveled a whole lot of people out (guess I'm just a nice person) and ATE AND ATE AND ATE!
nice pic
Thanks, Tytiana. I think it's cool that you're gong to be your mom's flower girl!
hey ms.becker that post that has alot of snow that relly is alot of snow
Yes, Sanna! And I shoveled a whole lot of it!
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